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Mercedes-Benz C400

Sheena Drives Home a Stunning C400 | Edmonton, AB

Sheena picked up her Mercedes-Benz C400 from her sales person: Dharam Taylor!

Contact Dharam now on: DTaylor@MBEdmontonWest.com


Mr. Chaudry Elevates Luxury With His C400 | Edmonton, AB

Congratulations and thank you Mr. Chaudry! Your Mercedes-Benz C400 looks beautiful and drives like no other car on the road! Thank you again from Ben Saleh and Andy Yung. Happy motoring!


Per Finds His Perfect Fit with a New C400!

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Through extensive research, Per from Edmonton, AB found the perfect fit in the Mercedes-Benz C400. Thank you so much for trusting us with your business Per. We hope you enjoy your new vehicle. Welcome to our Mercedes-Benz Edmonton West family!!