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Mercedes-Benz GLA 250

David is Delighted in His GLA 250

Congratulations to David as he picks up his Mercedes-Benz GLA 250 from his sales person Dharam Taylor!

Contact Dharam now: DTaylor@MBEdmontonWest.com


Matthew Drives Home in a Stunning GLA 250

It was our pleasure and honour military man Matthew who came to our dealership to see Dharam Taylor for his beautiful black on black Mercedes-Benz GLA 250! Matt was a gentleman to work with from start to finish. Thank you for all you do and your dedication and sacrifice. 🇨🇦 We hope to see you again soon!

Sandra is Stunning in Her GLA 250

Congratulations to Sandra Boos who is happy with her new Mercedes-Benz GLA 250! Sales Associate Shelley Biermanski wishes you many years of safe driving in this stunning vehicle!